If you wish to call an executable ABAP progra from another ABAP program/report you can do so by using the SUBMIT statement. For example your wish to call program <CALLEDPROGARM> from the current program <CURRENTPROGRAM> then the control can either be passed to the called program or once the called program has finished its job the control cab be RETURNED to the calling program. Please find the Syntax below.
In case the called program has a selection screen then the SUBMIT statement can be used with the various options as shown below.
The following is the called program
* *
* This Report Displays Sales Order Header Data *
* *
* *
* Tables Declaration----------------------------------------------------
Tables: VBAK, " Sales Document: Header Data
VBPA, " Sales Document: Partner
VBKD. " Sales Document: Business Data
* Data Declaration------------------------------------------------------
data: d_soldto(10), " Sold to party
d_shipto(10), " Shipt to Party
d_buyer(10), " Buyer
d_billto(10). " Bill to Party
* Select Options--------------------------------------------------------
Select-options: S_VBELN for vbak-vbeln. " Sales Order Number
* Start of Selection----------------------------------------------------
Select vbeln
waerk into (vbak-vbeln, vbak-netwr, vbak-waerk) from vbak where
vbeln in s_VBELN.
* Select Buyer---------------------------------------------------------
select single kunnr
into d_buyer from vbpa where parvw = 'BU' or parvw = 'RE' and
vbeln = S_VBELN-LOW.
* Select Bill to Party-------------------------------------------------
select single kunnr
into d_billto from vbpa where parvw = 'BP' or parvw = 'WE' and
vbeln = S_VBELN-low.
* Select Sold to Party--------------------------------------------------
select single kunnr
into d_soldto from vbpa where parvw = 'SP' or parvw = 'AG' and
vbeln = S_VBELN-low .
* Select Shipt to Party-------------------------------------------------
select single kunnr
into d_shipto from vbpa where parvw = 'SH' and
vbeln = S_VBELN-low .
* Output the data-------------------------------------------------------
write:/ vbak-vbeln, d_buyer, vbak-netwr, d_billto, d_soldto, d_shipto,
The following the the calling program.
Data: d_value1(10).
d_value1 = 'Test1'.
SUBMIT ZEXERCISE_1 via selection-screen and RETURN.
write: d_value1.
Please try the following options.
2) Create a variant for the program (see creating variants for ABAP Programs). And use the statement given below. And see the result. Note that SORD is the variant name and you need to replace it with the name given by you.
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