If you wish to display Material data related to Material General Data, Material Plant Data and Material Valuation Data then you can use the following BAPI. This BAPI displays the above mentioned data for a Material.
BAPI/Function Module to display Material Data / Display Material Data BAPI/Function Module
This BAPI has 4 input parameters
Material (Mandatory) Plant Valuation Area Valuation Type
Please find the code below.
Parameters: p_matnr like BAPIMATDET-MATERIAL, p_werks like BAPIMATALL-PLANT, p_valara like BAPIMATALL-VAL_AREA, p_valtyp like BAPIMATALL-VAL_TYPE.
Data: st_matgendata like BAPIMATDOA, st_matplantdat like BAPIMATDOC, st_matvaldat like BAPIMATDOBEW, d_return like BAPIRETURN.
You may be knowing the SAP transaction, and would like to trace the path to this transaction in the SAP menu. To do this SAP has provided a way. There is a transaction called SEARCH_SAP_MENU.
With the help of this transaction you can easily search the path to a particular transaction. For example if you wish to search the path to the transaction XD01 (Create Customer Centrally) then you can execute the transaction SEARCH_SAP_MENU and hit enter. You will see the following. You can then choose the one that has the shortest path.
Finding SAP Transaction in the Menu SEARCH_SAP_MENU
If you wish to extract the bank details of a particular vendor then you can use the following BAPI.
BAPI/Function Module for vendor bank details extraction
Please find below the code to extract vendor Bank Details.
Parameters: p_kunnr like BAPICUSTOMER_ID-CUSTOMER, p_bukrs like BAPICUSTOMER_ID-COMP_CODE.
Data: ty_knbk type knbk, ty_custadd type BAPICUSTOMER_04, ty_custgendet type BAPICUSTOMER_KNA1, ty_custcompdet type BAPICUSTOMER_05, d_ret like BAPIRET1.
Data: wa_custadd like ty_custadd, wa_custgendet like ty_custgendet, wa_custcompdet like ty_custcompdet.
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