" In a SAP system, the work process play a very important role. It is seen that a majority of the processing is done by work processes. Work processes execute dialog steps in user transactions, updates, lock administration can display the status of the work process running on your application server after logon. To display the status choose Administration --> System Administration ---> Monitor ---> System Monitoring ----> Process over view or Execute transaction SM50. To get the updated information, the display must be refreshed regularly. The administrator must regularly monitor the system processes for checking the appropriateness of the number and configuration. Generally possesses are monitored to obtain information. The information obtained can be used for many purposes. It can be used to determine, whether the number of work processes in your system is adequate to assess if the instance is working to its ultimate capacity and to gather information for troubleshooting or for tuning. The SAP work processes correspond to operating system processes, these processes can be monitored through other operating systems also. Or it can be said that process ID (PID) of the SAP system is the same as PID of the other operating systems. SAP has a runtime directory /usr/sap//SYS/exe/run. Some programs are present in this runtime directory for monitoring. You can monitor some of the work processes and the dispatcher from the operating system with the help of these monitoring programs. To display the overview of SAP application server choose System Monitoring ---> Servers. You can also display the overview of the work process running on this particular server in the SAP system. To display the overview of the work process first click on the desired server name. "
"Radio Frequency Identification Devices are responsible for electronically capturing the data related to Materials. Once the data is captured, it is transmitted via Radio waves to the SAP server. The main use of RFID devices is in Warehouses where the data is physically moved from one location to another. It is very convenient for the warehouse personnel to make use of RFID so that all the material movement is captured automatically and the information is transferred to the SAP server. SAP Auto-ID Infrastructure is the component in SAP Netweaver that provides gateway to the RFID Data."
If you wish to transfer Purchase Order related Data to SAP, you can do so by using the following BAPI.
Many a times there is a requirement to transfer purchase order data from a third party to SAP, it can be done by the following methods.
1) BAPI 3) BDC 3) EDI
This this tutorial we will see how to create a Purchase Order using the above mentioned BAPI.
Please note that if you wish to create Real Time Purchase Orders from an external system into SAP R/3 then you need to use either the JCO connector, .NET connector or XI. The example below shows creation of a single purchase order, if you have data required to create purchase orders then you first need to upload it into an internal table and then pass the table to the BAPI.
Please find the code below to create a Purchase order using the BAPI BAPI_PO_CREATE
Data: int_pohead like BAPIEKKOC, int_poitem like BAPIEKPOC occurs 0 with header line, int_posched like BAPIEKET occurs 0 with header line, int_ret like BAPIRETURN occurs 0 with header line. Data: d_purchord like BAPIEKKOC-PO_NUMBER.
Move: 'NB' to int_pohead-DOC_TYPE, '1000' to int_pohead-PURCH_ORG, '001' to int_pohead-PUR_GROUP, '0000001234' to int_pohead-vendor,
'00010' to int_poitem-po_item, 'Material' to int_poitem-material, 'Material' to int_poitem-pur_mat, '1000' to int_poitem-plant,
'00010' to int_posched-PO_ITEM, '20080531' to int_posched-DELIV_DATE, '2' to int_posched-QUANTITY.
Always specify your conditions in the Where-clause instead of checking
them yourself with check statements. The database system can then use an index
(if possible) and the network load is considerably less.
Always use Pretty Printer and Extended Program Check before releasing the code.
Do not leave unused code in the program. Comment the code thoroughly. Align the comments and the Code. Follow the SAP Standards and SAP Best Practices guidelines. It’s a good practice to take a dump of the code on your local drive.
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