CLASSICAL EVENTS Initalization At selection-screen output At seelction-screen on field At selection-screen on block At selection-screen Start-of-selection End-of-selection
INTERACTIVE EVENTS At line-selection At user-command At pfnn Top-of-page during line selection
LIST EVENTS Top-of-page End-of-page
CONTROL BREAK EVENTS At first At last At new At end of On change of
INITIALIZATION Before the standard selection screen is displayed
AT SELECTION-SCREEN After user input on a selection screen has been processed, but while the selection screen is still active
START-OF-SELECTION After the standard selection screen has been processed, before data is read from the logical database
GET node After the logical database has read a data record from the node node
GET node LATE After all of the nodes of the logical database have been processed that are hierarchically subordinate to the node node in the structure of the logical database
END-OF-SELECTION After all data has been read by the logical database
List processor events: TOP-OF-PAGE In list processing when a new page starts
END-OF-PAGE In list processing when a page ends
AT LINE-SELECTION When the user triggers the predefined function code PICK
AT PFnn When the user triggers the predefined function code PFnn
AT USER-COMMAND When the user triggers a function code defined in the program
To find User Exits in SAP please follow the steps given below.
1) Run Transaction SE81 2) Select SD 3) From the Menu Click on Edit 4) Select the option ‘Select Subtreee +/-‘ 5) From the Menu bar click on Information system 6) From the R/3 Repository information System open the Envir option 7) Select Exit Techniques 8) Select Customer Exits 9) Double click on Enhancements 10) Press F8
See the screen shots given below. Run Transaction SE81.
Select SD and then from the Edit menu click on Select Subtree
Click on Information System or press Shift+F4
Menu for 'R/3 Repository Information Sys' opens up
Follow the menu path Envir-----> Exit Techniques----> Customer Exits----> Enhancements
Click on the Execute button or press 'F8'
The following list is displayed.
Follow the above mentioned steps to find user exits for other modules.
Always use Pretty Printer and Extended Program Check before releasing the code.
Do not leave unused code in the program. Comment the code thoroughly. Align the comments and the Code. Follow the SAP Standards and SAP Best Practices guidelines. It’s a good practice to take a dump of the code on your local drive.