To POP up table contents on the Screen the following function module can be used.
SAP ABAP function module to POP UP Table contents on the screen.
While developing a report if you wish to display some internal table contents on the screen it can easily be done with the above mentioned function module. While doing so you can define a hot spot or create a button the screen and pop up the internal table contents.
Find the code below.
The input parameters are as follows
ENDPOS_COL Make sure that you define a value that will accommodate the complete column length. ENDPOS_ROW Put a values to ensure that the rows in the internal table should fit in STARTPOS_COL Co-ordinates (X-Axis) of the starting position (Column)of the POP UP Table STARTPOS_ROW Co-ordinates (Y-Axis) of the starting position (Row)of the POP UP Table TITLETEXT Title to be given
Finding and Running programs in SAP is a fairly simple process. Every one know the transaction code SE38 The ABAP Editor. If you have forgotten the program name but you know that it starts with ZSales then you can type the ZSALES* in the transaction SE38 Program Input field and press F4 or the drop down button. You will then be presented with all the programs that have 'ZSALES' as the first 6 characters in their name.
You can also use the Transaction SA38 ABAP EXECUTE PROGRAMS to run programs. Mainly this transaction is used by the Users who do not want to edit/modify or create a new program.
Transaction SA38 does have options to execute the program with variant and in the back ground mode.
In case you wish to find a program either because you have forgotten the name or you are just looking for a report existing in the system, then you can use any of the Transactions mentioned above. Transaction SE38 has more flexibility.
Let us examine Transaction SE38 for the different options available for finding a program.
Transaction SE38 THE ABAP EDITOR
To find a Program in SAP ABAP goto Utilities >>>>> Find Program(CTRL+SHIFT+F4)
Once you are there you can either enter the Program name or Short Description or development class. All the programs with the same description and development class would be displayed depending on what you had entered.
Finding ABAP Program names based on the following criterion.
Program Author Last Changed By Changed On Program Type Status Application Logical Database Authorization Group Only Editor Lock Active Fixed Point Arithmetic Only
This can be easily achieved by clicking the 'ALL SELECTIONS ' Button (SHIFT+F7)
SAP ABAP Function Module to place negative Sign Before a Number
In SAP the negative sign by default come after the number. In case if you wish to place the negative sign before the number the following function module should be used.
SAP ABAP Function Module to place the sign before a number.
The above mentioned function module has the following parameters.
Note: This is a changing parameter and accepts the value with Data Type Character.
Find the code below.
Parameter: p_num1 type i, p_num2 type i.
Data: d_sum type i, d_value(10).
d_sum = p_num1 + p_num2. d_value = d_sum.
Write: d_sum.
If you wish to import the contents of the clipboard into SAP, then you can use the function module given below.
SAP ABAP function module to import the windows clipboard contents
The above mentioned Function Module grabs the contents of the windows clipboard into an internal table. Once the contents are in the internal table they can be processed as desired.
Find the code below.
types: ty_tab(200) type c. Data: wa_tab type ty_tab, int_tab type table of ty_tab.
If you wish to copy the contents of the internal table to the Windows clipboard, you can do so by using the following function module.
SAP ABAP Function Module Copy to Clipboard
If you use this function module, then the contents of the internal table can be copied to the Clipboard of the Presentation Server. Once the contents are copied to the clipboard they can be pasted into any windows application.
Find the code below.
types: ty_tab(200) type c. Data: wa_tab type ty_tab, int_tab type table of ty_tab.
Move: 'This is line 1 again' to wa_tab. append wa_tab to int_tab. clear wa_tab.
Move: 'This is line 2 again' to wa_tab. append wa_tab to int_tab. clear wa_tab.
One of the Tool used to generate reports in SAP is given below.
Report Painter and Report Writer
SAP Report Writer and Report Painter:
This tool can be accessed as follows.
SAP Menu >>>> Information Systems >>>> Ad Hoc Reports >>>> Report Painter
Under Report Painter you have the following Options
Report (GRR1 Create, GRR2 Change, GRR3, Display, GR34 Delete) Model (GRR4 Create, GRR5 Change, GRR6 Display) Utilities Catalog Transport Report Writer Set Variable Key Figures Standard Layout Library Report Report Group
Note: Instead of using ABAP code to write a report in FI and CO, Transaction MC27 is used by a lot of consultants to build a report by using Report Painter/ Report Writer library. Transaction GRCT has many advantages over MC27 in most cases, and eliminates the need to use transaction MC27.
In SAP goods are moved in different locations. There are transactions that are responsible for carrying out the Goods Movement. For carrying out goods movement the following need to be understood. Goods Receipt, Goods Issue, Stock Transfer, Transfer Posting.
SAP Goods Receipt:
When goods are received from a vendor or from production and a posting is carried out in SAP, then it is known as a Goods Receipt (GR). Once a Goods Receipt is performed the Ware House Stock is increased.
Goods Issue: Goods going out are termed as goods Issue. Basically it can be of the following type.
Material Issue
Material Withdrawal
Material Consumption
Shipment of Goods
Once the posting is carried out in SAP , Goods Issue results in Reduction of Stock.
Stock Transfer:
The movement of goods internally from one place to another is termed as stock transfer. This can be between Storage Location to Storage Location, Warehouse to Warehouse or between Bins, between same plants or between different plant.
Transfer Posting:
Some examples of Transfer Postings are as follows.
Material to Material, Release from Quality Inspection Stock, Transfer of consignment in companies own stock. A transfer posting may or may not carry out a physical movement of goods.
Plnt Sales order Sales order item Project WBS element Material Production/process order, netwo Plnd order Overall prof
This is a very good report which gives the status of the orders in progress.
Production Order Information System
Production order Material Production plant Planning plant Order type MRP controller Production scheduler Sold-to party Sales order Sales order item WBS element Sequence number Priority Selection profile status Sys. status Work center Plant Selection profile Sys. status Component Plant Storage location Selection profile Sys. status Basic start date Basic finish date Scheduled start date Scheduled finish date Scheduled release date Actual start date Actual finish date Actual release date
This report gives complete information on Production Orders.
Production Planning
Production Order Cost Analysis
Order Cumulated Limited
This report basically gives a report on Target Cost against the Actual Cost
Production Planning
Planning Report
Cost Center
This report can be used to view cost center plan
Profitability Report
Operating Concern Report Variant
This report can give you profitability at the sales order level. However it is necessary to implement PA module
The Function Module MD_STOCK_REQUIREMENTS_LIST_API takes the following inputs
PLSCN Planning scenario in long-term planning MATNR Material WERKS Plant BERID MRP Area ERGBZ Selection rule AFIBZ Name of display filter INPER Internal period indicator DISPLAY_LIST_MDPSX DISPLAY_LIST_MDEZX DISPLAY_LIST_MDSUX ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The following Parameters are exported.
Material number, Plant, Deletion Flag, Material description, Material type, Material group, Base unit of measure, Plant-Specific Material Status, MRP type, Procurement Type, Special procurement type, Mixed MRP indicator, Low-level code, Dependent requirements ind. for individual and coll. reqmts, Indicator for Requirements Grouping, MRP controller, Purchasing group, Indicator: MRP controller is buyer (deactivated), In-house production time, Processing time, Setup and teardown time, Interoperation time, Base quantity, Scheduling Margin Key for Floats, Planned delivery time in days, Goods receipt processing time in days, Total replenishment lead time (in workdays), Indicator: automatic fixing of planned orders, Lot size (materials planning), Fixed lot size, Minimum lot size, Maximum lot size, Rounding value for purchase order quantity, Maximum stock level, Assembly scrap in percent, Safety stock, Reorder point, Ordering costs, Storage costs indicator, Forecast indicator, Period indicator, Splitting Indicator, Discontinuation indicator, Effective-Out Date,, Follow-up material, Method for Selecting Alternative Bills of Material, Valuation class, Price control indicator, Moving average price/periodic unit price, Standard price, Price unit, Stock in transfer (plant to plant)
Find below some useful tips for creating a new Password in SAP.
Length of the SAP Password has to be in the range of 3 to 8 Characters
If you are changing the password, then the new password should not be a replica of any of the last 5 passwords
Password should not be the reserved words passor init
SAP Password cannot be a blank space
The first 3 characters of a Password cannot be the same for example nnnewp
As mentioned in the first point a password cannot be less then 3 characters eg. fl
Password cannot contain an exclamation mark !file
SAP Password cannot contain a question mark eg. ?mypass
The password can be any combination of alphanumeric characters including a to z, 0 to 9 and punctuation marks
When ever you are logging on to the SAP system for the first time, you need to enter a new password. It is always a good practice to change the password every month. Many companies have a Password Policy and you need to follow these policies strictly.
In the WEB 2.0 world each and every one of us is connected to the Web from work and/or from home. SAP R/3 has a way of Bookmarking your favorite websites. All the SAP related websites/URLs can be added to the favorite menu in SAP, this makes it easier and convenient for the user to visit the websites of their choice.
To add your favorite URL/Website to the SAP Menu please follow the steps given below.
In the SAP main Screen Right Click on the Favorite's Menu.
The following option will be available.
Open Folder Delete all Favorite Insert Folder Insert Transaction Add Other Objects
To add a Web Address/URL/Website click on Insert Folder. You will be presented with a Dialog Box with the following fields.
Folder Name
Enter the Desired Folder Name. If you wish to enter the name of your Favorite SAP Website ABAPLOVERS.BLOGSPOT.COM then create a FOlder with the name ABAPLOVERS.
Once this folder is created right click on ABAPLOVERS. The following options will be available.
Open Folder Change Favorite Delete Favorite Insert Folder Insert Transaction Add Other Objects
Select Add Other Objects, then the following options will be available.
Web Address or File Drag-and-Relate Component Knowledge Warehouse SAPScript (text defined with SE16)
Select Web Address or File. In the resulting Dialog Box enter the following.
Text ABAPLOVERS Tutorials on ABAP Web Address or File
Click on ok
Similarly you can Add any other transaction or a website of your choice in the Favorite's menu.
Always use Pretty Printer and Extended Program Check before releasing the code.
Do not leave unused code in the program. Comment the code thoroughly. Align the comments and the Code. Follow the SAP Standards and SAP Best Practices guidelines. It’s a good practice to take a dump of the code on your local drive.